Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I have a man.

If you follow me on Twitter or you are my friend on Facebook you may realize that I talk about my dog, Harry, very often. I was a hard core no pet person for a very long time. Who wants to deal with that noise? Who wants something peeing on your carpet - and only on the carpet, not on the hardwood or the linoleum where it would be easily cleaned - or pooping in your house? I figured when I was ready for that, I would have children.

So enter Layla into my life - Sis's dog. I started to get it. Holly called one day and said a lady had Schnauzers available and wanted to know if I wanted one. I hedged on it for a while and then gave in. It was a good thing since they were already on the way to mom and dad's house. :)

So I met Harry. I love that dog. So much. I'd give him a big hug right now if he weren't already in bed. LOL

Monday, April 19, 2010

I love a party

Turns out that lately I will not clean my house unless someone is coming over. No one ever just "drops in" so I'm not in the habit of keeping things nice all the time. Now, many people would stop by and think nothing was bad except maybe some clutter here and there, but I know it's not clean.

Therefore, I've been hosting dinner or Sunday lunch or random to-dos at my house on occasion so I'll get up and get things done. Turns out that the Harry man just doesn't care enough to say anything. He also doesn't care enough to ever help. Ingrate. LOL

If you get a random invitation from me, there's a good chance that I've discovered a new recipe and I need to clean my house. Don't worry: I do really want you to come by.

Friday, April 16, 2010

I did it.

As of July 6th I will be starting my Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. This is a five year program. I will spend about 18 months working on a Master's in the same discipline and then the remaining time will be spent researching and working on my dissertation. I'm very excited. I've prayed about this extensively and truly feel that this is a path I'm supposed to be on. I'm also excited about the opportunities that will be on the other side. My time will be directed to this endeavor so some other things will have to go. Thankfully Ugly Betty is over. :)

So, I'll spend the next few weeks soaking up some leisure time and enjoying myself. I'm scheduled to be in Mobile, Al, Chicago, IL, and Maui within the next 70 days. Whew! It's going to be a great summer.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's hard to say goodbye.

Well, folks. It's time for me to say goodbye to another of my favorite television shows. Tomorrow night I will see the series finale of Ugly Betty. I love the show for so many reasons. It's different, it's fun, it's bright and shiny (yes I would totally have an orange office if I were allowed to make those choices)and I love it.

I will miss Betty: I'll miss her connections to her family which remind me of mine. I'll miss Marc and Amanda: I have several relationships that work just like that. I will miss the spirit of the show: It is just a pleasure to watch. So, I will gather my tissues and my snuggie, cuddle up in my chair with my Harry dog and sob through it. Or I'll go to Sis's house. It's not been fully decided.

Thanks for the memories, Ugly Betty. I will miss you much.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I try not to discriminate...

But I just have to say. Five Guys is the best cheeseburger I've ever eaten. It's so bad that I was checking out other locations in the Nashville area on the internet today with a friend. I may be addicted after just the one trip. Maybe Wendy's was my gateway drug to this Five Guys need that I now have.

I love to eat, which is apparent to anyone who has seen me in person. But, I would say no to lots and lots of fancy food for a chance at a cheeseburger as good as Five Guys. And I appreciate that those folks understand their specialty. That's all you get there, sister. You want a burger? They have it. You want fries? They have those as well. You want a salad? Take it somewhere else, crazy!

The moral of the story is, I love a good cheeseburger. I can't wait till the weekend when I may or may not be traveling back to Middle Tennessee.

Monday, April 5, 2010

And it all started with a Big Bang. BANG!

There is little that makes me happier than an episode of The Big Bang Theory. I didn't have anything going on tonight and I could care less about the basketball game. But, I have Season 2 of The Big Bang Theory that I haven't watched yet. So, I'm sitting here happily watching my favorite nerds. I do love the nerds.