If you follow me on Twitter or you are my friend on Facebook you may realize that I talk about my dog, Harry, very often. I was a hard core no pet person for a very long time. Who wants to deal with that noise? Who wants something peeing on your carpet - and only on the carpet, not on the hardwood or the linoleum where it would be easily cleaned - or pooping in your house? I figured when I was ready for that, I would have children.
So enter Layla into my life - Sis's dog. I started to get it. Holly called one day and said a lady had Schnauzers available and wanted to know if I wanted one. I hedged on it for a while and then gave in. It was a good thing since they were already on the way to mom and dad's house. :)
So I met Harry. I love that dog. So much. I'd give him a big hug right now if he weren't already in bed. LOL