Monday, April 19, 2010

I love a party

Turns out that lately I will not clean my house unless someone is coming over. No one ever just "drops in" so I'm not in the habit of keeping things nice all the time. Now, many people would stop by and think nothing was bad except maybe some clutter here and there, but I know it's not clean.

Therefore, I've been hosting dinner or Sunday lunch or random to-dos at my house on occasion so I'll get up and get things done. Turns out that the Harry man just doesn't care enough to say anything. He also doesn't care enough to ever help. Ingrate. LOL

If you get a random invitation from me, there's a good chance that I've discovered a new recipe and I need to clean my house. Don't worry: I do really want you to come by.


  1. Love it! And the dip was in a word, spectaculor!

  2. Le sigh. Please choose a weekend I will be home to bestow such a random invite upon yours truly.

  3. I do the same thing. I'm going to have Steve read this so he will realize we are not the only ones! lol

  4. ps - we are always available to provide motivation. =o)
