Tuesday, March 16, 2010

And I love it!

Since last night my buddy Tom over at Specs Appeal gave me a mention, I thought I would do the same and show my love for the Kindle of which he spoke.

People, if you don't have a Kindle, and you read, you need one. I've never been happier with a technological purchase as I am with this one. I'm even throwing my iPod in there. And you all know how much I love that iPod. The convenience of the Kindle and the functionality is just perfect for me. If you go to church with me, this is what I'm using now instead of bringing my Bible. I love the search functions and the ease of use all the way around. So yes, Tommy, I do swoon over it. And rightly so. Oh...and have I mentioned how many free, yes I said free, books are available?!?!? I was very pleasantly surprised when I figured out this piece of wonderful news. (Thanks Cousin Tricia!)

Feel free to ask me about this wonder any time. I promise to put the Kindle down and talk to you about it.


  1. Do you have any idea how many cookies I would have to bake to afford one of those things! LOL

    Love you most,


  2. Steve wanted to get me one for Christmas but I politely declined. I get the coolness & the convenience but I still love a book. If I traveled a lot, I might be more inclined.
