Thursday, March 4, 2010

Novel idea

Excuse me while I rant this one out.

Our cars were created with amazing things called blinkers. To quote a great bumper sticker that I saw online today, "Were blinkers optional for your vehicle?" Blinkers help the people driving around you make adjustments and decisions in order to provide the best driving atmosphere for everyone. Not using your blinkers makes me want to take the ball bat out from under my seat that LaVar always told me to carry and beat the crap out of your rear lights. I mean, you aren't using them. Is it really a problem if I take out my frustration that way? That's what I'm going to tell the cop when he shows up at least.

Next up on Dawn's Life...Learn how to address right of way situations. A beginners guide.


  1. First let me say that I appreciate your ability to time the taking the photo of a blinking light.

    Second - word.

  2. Lol...I hate it when people don't use blinkers, drives me nuts! And don't stop at red lights...or stop signs.
