Thursday, March 25, 2010

Never fear dear readers...

I am here. I've been so busy with revival this week that I haven't even opened the computer from home at night. It was a great revival, but I've enjoyed tonight's evening at home.

As I expected, it happened today. I had deal with someone who had no idea that right-of-way existed. Let me explain my basic issue with this. When you drive you have to make decisions ahead of time. You have to know what's coming and prepare for it. When you have the right-of-way, take it. If you give someone else the right-of-way to be nice, you just stink it up for the rest of us. It takes more time for the people around you to figure things out because you decided to be "nice" than it would for you to just follow the rules of the road. Yes, I'm an advocate of being polite, but is it really nice if you are messing it up for the rest of us. Just drive. Pay attention and drive. Please. If you don't, I'll be the girl in the black Saturn behind you screaming, RIGHT OF WAY. RIGHT OF WAY.TAKE THE RIGHT OF WAY!!!!!

Okay. I feel better.


  1. No. You go. No. You go. No. You go.

  2. In front of Walgreens drives me nuts! If you choose to take the exit that dumps into Reelfoot Ave., be prepared to sit in your car and watch traffic go by for several minutes. The people who decide to let people enter the flow of traffic when the light is green drive me to fits.

  3. Yay!! I found your blog! Now I can follow you!!
